د. إبراهيم محمد باداود - جريدة المدينة

عدد القراءات: 1186

System aims to combat IT crimes, issued by the Communications and Information Technology to help achieve information security, and the preservation of rights arising from the use of apocalyptic of computers, and computer networks, and protect the public interest, ethics and morals, and the protection of the national economy.
and IT crimes are many, including the For example, tapping on what sent via the information network, or one of the computers, or captured, or objection without undue systematic, illegal access to threaten someone, or blackmail to get him to perform any act, or refrain from, even if this is a legitimate, login illegal for a website, or access to change the designs of the site, or destroyed, or modify it, compromising the private life through the misuse of mobile phones equipped with a camera, or the like, and defamation of others, and damage to them, by means of techniques of various information.
above is a model of such crimes, the cases we hear about every day, some complain about the exposure of their account hacked by the so-called Balhakrz, and some complain of having to blackmail because of the other to take over some of the images, others complain of defamation by displaying some cases The issues with the names and pictures of their owners, or pictures of their business activities without a court order and other issues.
has warned the Communications and Information Technology, of the seriousness of the crimes of informatics, which exceed the harm done to the border personal to the cultural life, social, economic, and explained that some of these crimes deserve punishment of imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, a fine of not more than 500 thousand riyals, and what we need today is the publication of such sanctions, and educate people about them, and apply them to the offenders, and also wish to be added to such crimes as rumors of all kinds; to deter the people from the transfer Almaumat is true, which is not the goal of which only create confusion and chaos in the society.

المصدر : جريدة المدينة - يوم الاثنين ٢٨ جماد الآخر ١٤٣٥هـ الموافق ٢٨ ابريل ٢٠١٤م