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During the period of 25-26/12/2023, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo,  His Excellency the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights, Counselor Khalid bin Abdul Rahman Al-Fakhri, has participated  in the oral hearing held by the Arab Charter on Human Rights Committee, which coincides with the twenty-second session of the Committee devoted to discuss the first periodic report submitted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia according to Article (48) of the Arab Charter on Human Rights.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Society has shed light on the most prominent human rights developments taking place in the Kingdom in a way that promotes and supports human rights. For instance, the issuance of a number of legislations and regulations, the support and empowerment of women, the reflection of the impact of the plans and programs included in Vision 2030 on many human rights areas, in addition to the positive impact of policies, procedures and initiatives monitored by the National Society for Human Rights in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

During his speech, the Chairman has also highlighted the national policy to encourage equal opportunities and equality in treatment, employment and profession, as well as the efforts made by the authorities concerned with combating trafficking in persons. In addition, he has highlighted the efforts made to ensure the human right to health, which included all citizens and residents on the territory of the Kingdom without discrimination.