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On Wednesday, 3 October 2017, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Mr. Ben Emerson has visited the National Society for Human Rights. He has met the Chairman of the Society, Dr. Mufleh Rabiean Al-Qahtani who gave him a brief explanation on the activities and mechanisms of the Society’s work regarding following-up the cases of those accused of terrorist acts. In addition, the discussion has shed light on the Saudi Arabia’s efforts in the field of combating terrorism and the measures taken to reconcile maintaining security with respect to human rights as well as how such procedures affected the evaluation of the behavior of persons accused of terrorist acts. They have also discussed the problems of terrorism in the region and the importance of justice in combating them and the importance of resolving the Palestinian issue and working to limit Iranian interference in some countries in the region that provoke terrorist acts and destabilize the region.