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On Monday Morning, 26\4\1436 AH, an official delegation from the European Union has visited the Society and it was headed by Mr. Afzal Khan, member of the European Union, Ms. Henna Virkkunen, member of the European Union, and Ms. Judith Burger accompanied by the Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom Mr. Adam Kalakh and his deputy Mr. Aftemeyos Kostoplys. They were welcomed by Dr. Mufleh bin Rabiean Al-Qahtani, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights, and some of the Society’s members and employees. At the beginning of the meeting, HE the Chairman of the Society has given them a brief explanation regarding the Society’s activities and its contribution in spreading the human rights culture as well as the human rights’ remarkable progress in the Kingdom and the efforts exerted for its enhancement as well as discussing the following topics:

1-    The specialization of the Society and its role in the society

2-    The situation in Syria and the European Union’s attitude regarding the human rights violation in it.

3-    The European Union’s attitude regarding what is happening in Yemen and the negative effects, aroused by the external interference from some countries, on human rights.

4-    The European Union’s role in putting solutions for such problems that will lead to human rights violations.

Besides, the Chairman of the Society has talked about the recommendations that the European Parliament has recently discussed against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia because of a provision in an individual case adding that this is really astonishing and does not serve the common relations. He has also asked the guest and the accompanying delegation about the Islamophobia in Europe and the reasons that lead to the growth of this phenomenon.

Concerning the flagellation penalty, the Chairman of the Society has mentioned that it is based on the Islamic Law (Shariah). The delegation has also praised the Kingdom’s role in supporting the Syrian refugees. Moreover, the Chairman of the delegation has appreciated the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the international level and stressed on the importance of having a joint cooperation between the EU and the Gulf states so as to have an impartial and comprehensive look regarding human rights especially in light of the Iranian positions.

The meeting was attended by the Society’s members: Dr. Ibrahim Al Qaeed, Dr. Abdul Jalil Al Seif and Dr. Ibrahim Al- Suleiman as well as Mr. Ahmed Al Mahmoud, the Secretary of the Chairman and Dr. Faisal bin Mo’aed  Al Samir, the Counselor of the Training Section in the Society.