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On Sunday, 20/3/1436 AH – 11/1/2015 AD, a delegation from the political affairs department in the Embassy of the United States has visited the Society and met HE Dr. Mufleh bin Rabiean Al Qahtani, the Chairman of the Society. After giving a brief explanation regarding the Society’s activities, they have talked about the US administration as it has issued several reports concerning human rights in general and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular. The Chairman has asserted on the importance of the transparency of such reports as it must not generalize the individual cases so as not to show up as being general cases. Besides, he stressed that the reports should include the positives and negatives and should not concentrate only on the negatives and exaggerate them. In addition, they have shed light on the remarkable progress in the Kingdom regarding regulating the labor’s conditions in general and the household labor in particular especially after the issuance of the regulations that regulate the household labors’ conditions. They have also discussed some laws that have recently issued such as the Protection from Abuse Law and the Child Protection System.  Moreover, they have shed light on the existence of the National Society for Human Rights’ offices in the prisons and the entrance of women into the Shura Council and allowing her to participate in the municipal elections. At the end of the meeting, the visiting delegation has thanked the presidency of the Society for its warm reception.