Views: 2022

The Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights, Mr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Fakhri, on his behalf and on behalf of the members of the Society and its employees, has extended his congratulations to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and to His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister – may God protect them – on the occasion of the Kingdom winning the bid to host the World Expo 2030 in Riyadh.

The Chairman has said that the Kingdom’s hosting of this important global event is an affirmation of its global position and leading role and is considered an  appreciation of the great developments witnessed by the Kingdom in all fields and its achievements at the regional and international levels to embody the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Moreover, Al-Fakhri has noted that the Kingdom’s success in hosting many economic, diplomatic and technical events in addition to the events contributed to obtaining great support from the majority of member states of the International Opposition Bureau, and their vote came as a translation of their confidence in the Kingdom’s capabilities to host Expo 2030.

Finally, the Chairman has concluded his statement on this occasion, praying to the Almighty to protect the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, and to perpetuate our country’s security and stability.

The National Society for Human Rights