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The National Society for Human Rights has strongly condemned the repeated terrorist attacks of the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia on civilian objects and civilians in the Kingdom, the most recent of which was the terrorist attack on Abha International Airport caused a civilian airplane to catch fire.

Besides, the Chairman of the Society, Dr. Mufleh Rabian Al-Qahtani, said that these terrorist attacks against the Kingdom, from time to time, confirm that there are continuous, organized and supported attempts by some countries to target the right to security in this blessed country, and to harm civilians in violation of the rules of international humanitarian law.

The Chairman of the Society has also called upon states and human rights organizations that blame the Kingdom when it defends its security, stability, and its citizens to denounce such terrorist operations without equivocation, and to base on fair principles far from prejudice and try to cover up such terrorist attacks that aim to terrorize civilians.

Moreover, the Chairman of the Society has praised the coalition’s declaration of its adherence to the rules of international humanitarian law when responding to such terrorist attacks, and he has also affirmed everyone’s confidence in the efficiency and ability of the Saudi security forces and agencies, their air defenses and the coalition forces to track these criminals and take the necessary measures to preserve the security and safety of citizens and the civilian residents on the territory of the Kingdom and those traveling in its airports, in accordance with international humanitarian law.