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The National Society for Human Rights has denied what has been issued by the Canadian side concerning a Saudi internal jurisdiction and stressed that there should be difference between respecting the principles of human rights, which is supported by all, and between the interference in the internal affairs of the states that are governed by their special constitution and internal laws.
Besides, the Chairman of the NSHR has asserted that what has been issued from the Canadian side exceeded all the international norms and undermined national sovereignty.
Expressing opinion on a particular case in the context of the relationship between two countries has its diplomatic mechanisms, which the Canadian side did not abide by in this case. Hence, there was a firm response from the Saudi side regarding that, and has stressed on the importance of non-using the human rights files for political purposes by some Western countries, including Canada, which we observe that they raise, from time to time, some cases depending on false information, or for reasons encapsulated by human rights aspects for political goals.