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Al-Fakhri: We seek to manipulate the role of the parties in achieving the aim of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The National Society for Human Rights, at its headquarters in Riyadh, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Coordinating Council of Social Research Centers, aiming at achieving a joint cooperation and coordination in several fields. For instance, the memorandum aims at exchanging information and data of common interest, and conducting research on social issues related to the competence and tasks of the two parties so as to contribute in raising research capabilities, supporting and suggesting relevant social initiatives and innovations as well as preparing joint studies and research in the field of humanitarian, human rights and social issues, which aim to shed light on these issues and ways to address them. In addition, it aims to create a joint information base in the field of human rights and social research and studies.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights has stated that the aim of this social cooperation is enhancing the support of the decision-makers through providing studies and reports that contribute in the rationalization and development of policies, in addition to providing advanced scientific research and social innovation in order to provide solutions related to social issues in the Kingdom. Moreover, it aims to achieve fruitful cooperation between the two parties in implementing programs and activities that help in supporting and motivating the research sector in the humanitarian, legal and social fields through preparing studies and presenting courses, workshops and forums, which contribute to activating the role of the parties in achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Furthermore, Al-Fakhri has stressed that the Society seeks to establish more partnerships with governmental institutions and civil society organizations that are active in its field, in a way that contributes to achieve the objectives of the Society and support its targeted programs in the society.

The memorandum was signed, from the National Society for Human Rights ‘side, by the Chairman of the Society, Councilor Khalid bin Abdul Rahman Al-Fakhri, and from the Coordinating Council of Social Research Centers’ side, by the  Chairman of the Council, Professor Dr. Sami bin Abdelaziz Al-Damegh.

The signing ceremony was attended, from the Society’s side, by the Society Vice Chairman, Dr. Tarish Al-Shammari, the Society’s member, Prof. Dr. Saleh Al-Khathlan, and the Society’s  member, Dr. Muhammad Al-Fadil, and from the Coordinating Council’s side, the Executive Director Ibrahim Al-Kharafi, and a number of employees of both sides.


The National Society for Human Rights