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The National Society for Human Rights has welcomed the amendments made to a set of regulations including the travel documents system, the civil status system, the labor system and the social insurance system, which are in complementary to what was mentioned in the recent royal order. To illustrate, the royal order asserts on the assurance of the concerned authorities to review the procedures in force with them and with the related bodies and then mention the regulations and instructions that limit the empowerment of women’s rights in this regard.

The Chairman of the Society, Dr. Mufleh Rabian Al-Qahtani, has illustrated that these amendments, especially with regard to travel documents and civil status, will solve many of the problems faced by some women, who were imposed by the conditions of self-reliance or to carry out the tasks of their families or subjected to violence or abuse by their parents.

Moreover, the Chairman of the Society has pointed out that there is an urgent need at the moment to support the family as being the nucleus of Saudi society according to the text of Article IX of the Basic Law of Governance, and to assert the importance of the work of the relevant bodies such as the Council of Family Affairs and other educational, social and human rights to activate the content of the text of Article 10 of the Basic Law of Government, which affirms that the State is keen to strengthen the bonds of the family, preserve its Arab and Islamic values, give care for all its members, and provide the appropriate conditions for the development of their talents and abilities as this enhances the status of the family. Besides, this will enhance the family’s role in the society and maintain cohesion in the current social changes, and there is also a need to support the emergence of some heads of households to help them carry out educational, financial and social duties .

It should be noted that these amendments included a set of texts that support the full eligibility of women as men to obtain a passport and allow them to report births, and enable them to work and protection from dismissal during pregnancy.