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The Secretary-General of the National Society for Human Rights and the Legal Counsel Khaled Al-Fakhri has said the following: The government of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, has repeatedly stressed on the principle of equality among all citizens of the Kingdom and this was highlighted in   the speeches delivered by the leadership of the Kingdom in which they emphasize on the importance of dealing with all citizens regardless of their tribal, regional and sectarian affiliation. He adds saying that the Kingdom’s regulations did not distinguish anyone as they are issued to be suitable for all citizens and serve all those who are on its land. To illustrate, the governance of the Kingdom is based on justice and equality and these are highlighted in the speeches of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, at every occasion. Besides, he said that the Kingdom’s citizens feel such thing describing the criminal act that has happened last Friday as an act happened from a category which aims to create disorder among the citizens but will not succeed because the citizens are standing as one hand with the leadership against all those who seek to destabilize the security and stability of this blessed country. He has also described those who stand behind such vicious act as criminals who violated the right to life of the injured and the victims expressing his deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and wishing the injured speedy recovery. Moreover, he expressed his happiness regarding the directions of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud to hold accountable all those who contributed in this act or cooperated with him or even sympathize with the actor in order to make an example of them to those who try to compromise the security of our homeland. The Ministry of Interior, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naïf, has exerted a lot of efforts in tracing such terrorist groups and monitoring their movements so as to eliminate them before doing any action that may disturb the security of citizens. For his part, the Legal Adviser Nayef Omari has said that the State is keen to achieve equality among all its citizens and that stems from the Islamic law, which is considered the key source of all laws and regulations in various fields on the Kingdom. In additions, he said that the state, in more than one position, has proven to us that the citizens are equal in their rights and duties, whether Sunni or Shi’a.

Furthermore, Professor of Sociology at King Saud University, Dr. Suleiman Al-Aqeel, has said that the Kingdom, since its establishment, is based on justice, equality and freedom. For more illustration, these issues are the main reason for the continuity of the country’s prosperity, security, stability as the state does not aim to divide the society into favorite and non-favorite classes and categories. Everyone is equal in front of the state’s institutions in justice, education, administration and others fields. Hence, there are no segments in this society can say that we do not enjoy our rights. There could be shortenings from some workers but it is not the state’s directions. Furthermore, the main factor in the state is the efficiency at the individual level, and those who say that there are lack of justice and inequality, are contradicting the truth and carry kind of hatred or hostility to this society or that they may be having a foreign agenda.

Source: Al-Medina Newspaper: