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Today, Tuesday, 8th of Shaaban 1444 AH, the National Society for Human Rights has hosted His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Saad bin Nasser Al-Shathri, Advisor at the Royal Court and member of the Council of Senior Scholars, in a meeting to talk about moderation and respect for the right to difference. During the meeting His Excellency has shed light on the controls that promote moderation and the need to distance oneself from the points of disagreement and acceptance of the other. His Excellency has also stressed on the need to obey those in authority, preserve their position, and appreciate those with achievements in the society in order to give positive examples.

His Excellency has also drew attention to the divisions and conflicts that some peoples are experiencing due to differences, and has highlighted that what distinguishes the Kingdom upon these countries  is the solidarity of its people around the rulers.

In welcoming His Excellency, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights,Mr. Khaled bin Abdul Rahman Al-Fakhri, has stated that the aim of this meeting is to consolidate the concept of moderation, guided by the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince – may God protect them – with the need to adhere to moderation, distance from extremism, and accept the other. For more illustration, moderation has become essential in the Saudi discourse internally and externally, and the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 has opened wide doors for a culture of coexistence, respect for the right to difference, and building bridges of communication between civilizations and cultures.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Society has presented a shield to His Excellency in appreciation of his participation.

The meeting was attended by a group of Excellencies from the governmental agencies, the Shura Council and different universities.

The dialogue was moderated by a member of the National Society for Human Rights, His Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Majid, while the paragraphs of the meeting were presented by Dr. Sulaiman bin Muhammad Al-Eidi.