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As a matter of urgency,  the day after the start of the inspections that followed the campaign regarding correcting the conditions of the  offender employment, the National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) has taken an action in order to handle the negative repercussions that may be reflected on the “stateless” especially those who are undocumented or do not have IDs indicating their status.

The  Chairman of the NSHR, Dr. Mufleh Qahtani, has said to “ AL Watan” newspaper that the Society has addressed the Ministry of the Interior regarding the conditions of this category, as there are growing fears that they can be subjected to suspension and expulsion from the country in the absence of the countries that can receive them.

Al-Qahtani added that, “The Society has received numerous complaints from those whose IDs and  passports are not renewed and who are undocumented. Most of these complaints involved the concerns that they may face the same fate of the foreign offenders .. We appreciate these concerns, and we have addressed the Interior Ministry in this regard. ”

The Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights, which is one of the two Human Rights authorities that are working inside the country, said that the executive bodies bear the responsibility for not finishing and putting  an end to this file, despite the royal orders, the thing that contributed to the complexity of the problem. He also asserted that there should be specific timeframe to finish this problem so as to avoid the security, social,  human rights, and political negatives resulting therefrom”.

He said that “the situation of those people need urgent solutions, and there are Royal orders that have been issued before, if some of them have been  applied, they may have solved the problems of those category.” “The Society has seen and heard many of the former interior ministers’ directives, as well as the current Interior Minister, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef,  concerning solving the problem of these people. He also has expressed his conviction saying that” if the issued directives are applied  and implemented quickly, they may solve most of their problem. ”

However, the Chairman of the NSHR sees that  the small executive bodies are the main problem in the “stateless” file. He added saying that “unfortunately, they are working slowly and without setting a time limit for the completion, which contribute to the complexity of the problem. These people are deprived of most of their rights, especially in the present time in which it has become dependent on the civil registry number or residence.”

Dr. Mufleh Al-Qahtani has warned from the consequences of exacerbating the suffering of  the Bedoons (stateless) specifically those who are undocumented or those whose civil records have been stopped while the deadline for correcting the conditions of the offender employment has been finished. He considered that the inspection campaigns may increase the problem of these people as they do not have any papers that prove their identity, the thing that may expose them to stop or even deportation despite the absence of a country that can receive them. Hence, this  “requires urgent solutions; such as  re-recording those who have records, renewing the expired card or passport and granting those who do not have identification  papers” IDs “that identify their status.”

The campaign does not include those who are staying “legitimately”.

The security spokesman at the Ministry of Interior, Major General Mansour al-Turki, has commented on the concerns reported by the National Society for Human Rights regarding the Bedoon “stateless”, saying that ” everyone whose residence in the Kingdom is legitimate and is according to  the regulations or procedures, permanent or temporary regular measures and holds valid documents that prove that, and did not violate the conditions and regulations of residence or business systems, are not covered by the campaigns that adjust violators of residency system. “