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Each year, on the eighth of March, the world celebrates the social, political and economic achievement of women. Undoubtedly,  there is a common humanitarian sense at the level of values ​, principles and rights shared by everyone for just being a human being. However, such a day allows us to think about some of the issues that are facing us. For more illustration, ignoring the woman’s problems because of the  customs and traditions, or the infrequent interpretations stand as a stumbling block in forming the Islamic model by which we negotiate others , especially when the woman’s rights are supported by the wise leadership in the Kingdom which has provided her a strong voice in the public life through appointing 30 woman members in the Shura Council , which represents about 20 % of the total members.  This actually confirms the State’s keenness regarding the woman’s vital role as being an essential factor for the development in accordance with the provisions of Islamic teachings. To illustrate, women in Islam have rights and duties that is why we should  empower them with their rights and help them to fulfill their duties. Besides, women have  received many of  their rights in the Kingdom whether those who are employed in the public sector or the private one as they are allowed to participate in municipal elections as elector or elected , and to work as a lawyer and appear before the judiciary so as to facilitate her arrival to the Judiciary. Recently, the protection against   abuse system has been released to protect women from violence. In addition, it is known , that the international action for the advancement of women has taken four main axes which are: strengthening the legal measures in this field, mobilizing the public opinion and the international action for achieving this goal , training and researching to contribute in the consolidation of the progress in this regard , and giving the direct assistance to the disadvantaged groups . Nowadays, working in this field is based on a main organizing principle which shows that it is difficult to find a lasting solution for most of the social ,  economic and political problems relating to women without their participation and without allowing  them to express their opinion and participate in the work at the national and international level. Moreover, the international regimes that ensure women’s rights exist in the Kingdom , but maybe there are imbalance in their application or a wrong interpretation.

Today, we find that there is an urgent need to adopt an International Islamic model for the advancement of women and that actually requires correcting any social imbalance in this regard.