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The National Society for Human Rights highly appreciates the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques’,King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, initiative to allocate the amount of $ 274 million for supporting the humanitarian situation in Yemen Arab Republic,which resulted from the Houthi militias and followers who seized the capabilities of the Yemeni state and coup against the legitimacy.

There is no doubt that this initiative of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz sheds light on the Kingdom’s humanitarian side to the Yemeni people under these difficult circumstances that they are facing and the harsh humanitarian situation that resulted from these militias which violate the rights and outflow the law and legitimacy. Hence, the decision of the “Decisive Storm” has been taken, led by the Kingdom, in order to develop the concept of respecting legitimacy and the compliance with laws, international and regional conventions and to contribute to the protection of the Yemeni ‘s human rights in the various provinces of the country. Moreover, the UN Security Council has confirmed that decision by its Resolution No. 2216 to 2015 AD that has been recently issued and which emphasizes on the international support for the countries that participate in the Decisive Storm, led by the Kingdom, regarding the Yemeni case, and it also urges to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Yemen. In addition, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques’ order to allocate this amount for the humanitarian relief in Yemen has been decided through the United Nations to confirm the Kingdom’s permanent and constant humanitarian situation regarding the humanitarian action in general and the needs of the Yemeni people in particular. On the other hand, the National Society for Human Rights in Saudi Arabia calls the international and regional relief organizations to provide the support and the necessary humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni people through coordination with the Decisive Storm’s countries.

The National Society for Human Rights