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On Thursday, 27-2-1439 AH, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the Kingdom, Mr. Owend Stoke, accompanied by Counselor Ulrich Titzchner, Deputy Head of Mission and Mrs. Keene Rusten, Director of Cultural Affairs, has visited the Society and was welcomed by Dr. Mufleh Al-Qahtani, the Secretary General of the Society Khalid Abdulrahman Al-Fakhri and the Secretary of the Chairman of the Society Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Mahmoud. At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman has given a brief explanation on the activities of the Society and its contribution in spreading the human rights culture, its working mechanisms, the kind of the cases it receives and the Society’s effort in human rights field.

In this regard, the Chairman of the Society has pointed out that there is an interest in empowering various segments of society, including women especially their economic and social rights. The current development in the field of women’s rights is remarkable, especially their right to work and their political participation. For more illustration, she was elected to the Shura Council and was allowed to participate in the municipal elections, as well as recently allowing women to drive and the visiting delegation has shown his appreciation to such progress.
Besides, they have discussed some human rights issues, including the death penalty and freedom of expression. The visiting delegation has also inquired about some other human rights issues and the Chairman of the Society has pointed out the society’s view on these issues and the judicial mechanism that is taken in regard to them.
The Chairman of the Society has also raised with the visiting delegation the positions of some European countries and countries regarding some of the region’s issues such as the Yemeni issue and how they affect the human rights issues. The talk has shed light on the situation in Yemen and the Kingdom’s keenness to protect the rights of civilians and children as well as the Saudi Aid to the Yemeni people. The Norwegian ambassador has said that his country supports the humanitarian work in Yemen and that the Huthis are putting obstacles in the way of getting aid to civilians and that they are using children in war.

Finally, the Ambassador has stated that Norway has denounced the recent launch of a missile by the Huthis in the Kingdom.