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On Monday, 11/07/1440, corresponding to 18/03/2019, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom, Michele Chervouni, accompanied by Senior Advisor Alexis Kunsta Ntoyolos and Political Affairs Officer Aria Miranmetu, has visited the National Society for Human Rights. During the visit, they have met with the Chairman of the Society Dr. Mufleh Al Qahtani and were briefed on the activities of the Society.

In addition, they have shed light on the trial of the defendants in the case of killing Jamal Khashoggi and some other human rights cases. The Chairman of the Society has explained that the Society is following the trial of those who are accused in such case and that the Saudi authorities have taken the necessary legal and judicial measures in this regard.

Regarding the issue of women in detention, the Chairman of the Society has pointed out that the Society always seeks to ensure that they have their rights during the period of arrest and trial.

They have also discussed some of the negative attitudes against the Kingdom, which were recently issued by the EU countries and which the Chairman of the Society has described them as unfriendly attitudes that may not help to enhance the protection of human rights. The Chairman has also strengthened that the interference of the European Union Countries in the Saudi affairs may lead to negative problems and repercussions that should be remedied.

Moreover, he has stressed that turning a blind eye to the Iranian interference in the region and in Yemen in particular will have negative repercussions on human rights issues in the region.

On the other side, the Ambassador has stated that there is a misunderstanding about the European position as that the EU countries are not always sympathetic to Iran, and that he is interested in listening to the Saudi point of view regarding the issues that are raised so as to correct this negative view of the European position.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary-General of the Society, Counselor Khalid Al-Fakhri and the Secretary of the Chairman of the Society Mr. Ahmed Al-Mahmoud.