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On Monday 28/03/1441 AH corresponding to 25/11/2019, at 9:00 AM at the headquarters of the Society on King Fahd Road in Riyadh,  the National Society for Human Rights has held a workshop entitled (List of Violations of Public Taste and Mechanisms for Applying it in the Work Environment and the Role of the Regulatory Authorities) and the workshop focused on the following axes: –

1- Implementing the list of preserving public taste and its effect on controlling social behavior.

2- The difficulties that may arise and face the authorities during implementing them.

3- The role of the media in monitoring the application of the regulation of preserving public taste.

Many government agencies and relevant ministries have participated in this workshop, including: –


  • The Public Prosecution.


  • Riyadh Region Police.


  • Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.


  • Ministry of Labor and Social Development.


  • Entertainment Authority.


  • Some media.

The participating bodies contributed to the discussion and raised some issues and difficulties facing the implementing bodies for the items of the regulations in the field. The workshop has ended up with a number of results and recommendations, which will be worked on and coordinated with the relevant authorities.