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The National Society for Human Rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia strongly condemns the terrorist attacks launched by the Houthi militia against civil, economic and vital facilities in the Kingdom, and stresses that targeting the oil refineries, water desalination plants, electricity and gas stations reveals the criminal nature of the terrorist Houthi militias that practice all kinds of oppression and abuse against the brotherly Yemeni people since it seized power in 2014 and threatens the security of the Kingdom and the stability of the region.

In addition, these attacks constitute war crimes in accordance with international humanitarian law, as Article (52) of the First Protocol to the Geneva Conventions (1977) prohibits targeting civilian objects, and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in Article (8) criminalizes intentionally directing attacks against civilian sites, as it will be considered a war crime.

The Society has also stressed that the terrorist attacks carried out by the Houthi terrorist militia endanger the lives of civilians in the Kingdom, and threaten the sources of global energy supplies.

Moreover, the Society refers to the recent Security Council Resolution No. 2624, which considered the Houthi militias a terrorist organization, and it condemned their terrorist attacks targeting civilians and infrastructure, and condemned the Houthi militia’s violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Furthermore, it welcomes the widespread international condemnation of the attacks, and the international community’s solidarity with the Kingdom in the measures it is taking to defend its security, restore legitimacy in Yemen, and maintain stability in the region and the global economy.

It has also called on the Security Council and the international community to act urgently to firmly stop the terrorist acts carried out by these Iranian-backed Houthi militias, which are a violation of all international laws and norms, and to hold them accountable for the crimes they commit that threaten the security of the Kingdom and international peace and security.

National Society for Human Rights