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The National Society for Human Rights has condemned the continuous violations by the Israeli occupation forces of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, closing its gates, and attacking defenseless worshipers inside the mosque and its outer courtyards, which left a number of injured that considered a flagrant violation of human rights.

The Society has considered this systematic escalation a strong and blatant attack on the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the third holiest site, and has a great place in the conscience of the entire Islamic nation. It has also considered the practices carried out by the Israeli occupation forces towards defenseless civilian worshipers are a violation of international laws and norms and contribute to fueling violence and fueling religious hatred, extremism and instability in the region.

Moreover, the Society has called on the international community to assume its legal responsibilities to address these crimes, which represent a flagrant violation of international law and all resolutions of international legitimacy, threaten international peace and security and undermine efforts to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region.

Finally, the NSHR has called on the international community to take immediate, decisive steps to compel the Israeli occupier to comply with United Nations resolutions and stop its permanent rebellion against the international legitimacy, in order to enable the Palestinian people to realize their rights guaranteed by legal and international covenants, and contribute to reviving the peace process in the Middle East during the coming period.