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The international community celebrates the International Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on May 21 each year in accordance with the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2002 after UNESCO adopted the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2001.

We celebrate this day because it provides an opportunity to enhance the potential represented by culture as a mean to achieve prosperity, sustainable development and peaceful coexistence at the global level.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights, Counselor Khalid bin Abdul Rahman Al-Fakhri, said that the Kingdom offers a role model for the diversity of cultures and respect for others. For more illustration, the Kingdom is one of the most prominent countries around the world that embrace different cultures. This is highlighted in the country’s understanding of many different nationalities living together on its territory in security and harmony. Moreover, the Kingdom has always been keen to promote a culture of peaceful coexistence to become a model of political stability and moderation. Respect for cultural diversity is a civilized principle that weaves the bonds of understanding between nations and peoples.

He has also referred to the Kingdom’s continuous efforts to promote intercultural dialogue through the establishment of the King Abdullah International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, as well as hosting forums on human values shared between different cultures.

In addition, His Excellency the Chairman of the Society has stressed the need to accept, recognize and promote cultural diversity through human rights authorities in general and the media in particular, which contributes to creating dialogues between civilizations and cultures. He has also pointed out that the Kingdom maintains cultural relations with a large number of countries around the world and is an active member of an organization that supports all its efforts to respect and promote cultural diversity.

Finally, The Chairman of the Society has concluded that cultural diversity is a driving force for development not only in terms of economic growth, but also as a mean of shared human living and a fundamental pillar for achieving sustainable development.