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The Chairman of the Society, His Excellency Counselor Khaled Al-Fakhri, has highlighted the Society’s attitude towards the execution of judgment of 81 convicts. He has explained that the Society always calls for referring those accused in terrorism cases to judgment so as to to issue sentences against them in return for the crimes they committed and for a fair trial.

In addition, the Chairman has asserted that the statement of the Ministry of Interior confirms the efficiency and integrity of the security and judicial authorities. For more illustration, those trials were conducted in accordance with the regular rules and fair procedures that ensure that each accused obtains a fair trial in order to achieve justice. The state is keen to play its role in preserving justice and protecting the security of the community. Through following the procedures that were taken towards those who were accused, the Society has followed –up the human rights guarantees they enjoyed including:

1- Subjecting the convicts to the three degrees of litigation.

2- Examining each convict carefully.

3- Giving each convict the right to appoint a lawyer for him.

4- The trials were public.

5- Showing the severity of the crime committed by each convict.

6 – Directing the judgments to the act committed by each convict. These judgments did not consider the sectarian or ethnic affiliation of the accused.

7- The victims of terrorist acts committed by the convicts deserve justice for the assault of the perpetrators who killed and terrorized.

8- All the crimes attributed to the convicts are serious, and the maximum penalties have been extended.

He finally added that protecting human rights from terrorist acts requires that the state should carry out its duties in maintaining the security of society, preserving public and private property, and deterring those who commit such acts by inflicting appropriate penalties against them after referring them to the judiciary.