News Archive

The Society calls the municipality to survey the sites of the old wells

19 February, 2014

Dr. Saleh Al Khathlan, the vice president of the National Society for Human Rights and its spokesman, has asked the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, in collaboration with the…Read more

Views: 2440

The Chairman of the Society has received the ambassador of Ethiopia and his delegation

19 February, 2014

On Monday 20/2/1435 AH – 23/12/2013 AD, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights (NSHR), Dr . Mufleh bin Rabiean al-Qahtani , has received the ambassador of the…Read more

Views: 2049

The word of the Society’s Chairman on the occasion of the International day of Human Rights

19 February, 2014

The world celebrates the International Day of Human Rights in the tenth of December of each year. On this occasion, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights ,…Read more

Views: 1332

A delegation of the heads of the governmental agencies concerned with human rights of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG) has visited the Society

19 February, 2014

On Tuesday, 30/1/1435 AH, a delegation of the heads of the governmental agencies concerned with human rights of the  Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG) has…Read more

Views: 1292

A delegation from the National Committee for Human Rights in Qatar has visited the Society

19 February, 2014

Dr Ali bin Smaikh Marri, the President of the National Committee for Human Rights in Qatar , accompanied by the Assistant Secretary-General of the Commission , Mr. Sultan Jafali ,…Read more

Views: 1216

The Chairman of the Society has discussed a number of topics with the delegation of the Sub-Committee of the European Union

19 February, 2014

On Monday 22/01/1435 AH corresponding to 26/11/2013 AD,  the head of the Sub-Committee of the European Union Ms. Barbara loshbalr accompanied by Dr. York Vogan, the Chancellor of the European…Read more

Views: 270

A delegation from the Sweden embassy has visited the Society

19 February, 2014

On Monday, 22/01/1435 AH, corresponding to 11/25/2013 AD, the Ambassador of Sweden Mr. / Dag Yulin Danvilt accompanied by Mr. / Farouk Rizk, the Vice Consul ambassador adviser, and Mr….Read more

Views: 1157

The Dutch Human Rights’minister has visited the Society

19 February, 2014

On Wednesday, 10/01/1435 , corresponding to 11/14/2013 AD, Mr. Lionel Veer, the Human Rights Ambassador in the Dutch Foreign Ministry , accompanied by Mr. Lawrence and Esthov, the  Ambassador of…Read more

Views: 1177

The Chairman of the Society emphasizes the importance of studying the reports of the international human rights organizations dealing with the Saudi affair

30 December, 2013

Dr. Mufleh Rabiean-Qahtani, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights ,has questioned the attitudes of the international organizations from the Kingdom’s situation in the field of human rights,…Read more

Views: 1044

British delegation visits the Society

30 December, 2013

On the morning of Sunday, 29/12/1434 AH, a delegation from the British Foreign Office including  Mr. Kenny Taylor, Mr. Chris Stmpson accompanied by Mr. Stephen Deek ,the second secretary and…Read more

Views: 1392

The Society addresses the “Ministry of Interior” about the situation of the undocumented

30 December, 2013

As a matter of urgency,  the day after the start of the inspections that followed the campaign regarding correcting the conditions of the  offender employment, the National Society for Human…Read more

Views: 1221

The National Society for Human Rights chooses coordinators to cooperate with the governmental agencies

30 December, 2013

Source: Okaz newspaper ,4 Muharram 1435 AH corresponding to November 7 , 2013

Views: 1100