News Archive

The Seminar of the Society’s branch in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah region on the occasion of the International Day to Combat Child Labor

6 December, 2019

On June 12 of every year, the world celebrates the International Day to Combat Child Labor, as the International Labor Organization decided to celebrate it as a global day since…Read more

Views: 2432

The Attendance of the Chairman of the Society to launch a number of reform and rehabilitation programs for the Directorate General of Prisons

8 July, 2019

On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, the Director General of Prisons, Major General Mohammad Al Asmari, has invited the Chairman of the Society, Dr. Mufleh Al Qahtani, to launch a number…Read more

Views: 2881

The National Society for Human Rights’ statement regarding the report issued by the UN Special Rapporteur on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi

7 July, 2019

The National Society for Human Rights has criticized the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions regarding the death of Jamal Khashoggi, describing it as a biased and…Read more

Views: 2603

The National Society for Human Rights receives the Ambassador of Belgium to the Kingdom

6 July, 2019

The Ambassador of Belgium to the Kingdom, Ms.Dominique Menor, accompanied by the Advisor and Vice-President of the Mission, Mr. Siegfried Penen, has visited the National Society for Human Rights on…Read more

Views: 2693

The Ambassador of the European Union has visited the National Society for Human Rights (NCHR)

4 July, 2019

On Monday, 11/07/1440, corresponding to 18/03/2019, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom, Michele Chervouni, accompanied by Senior Advisor Alexis Kunsta Ntoyolos and Political Affairs Officer Aria Miranmetu,…Read more

Views: 1512

Statement by the Society on the terrorist attack on two mosques in New Zealand

17 April, 2019

The National Society for Human Rights strongly condemns the criminal terrorist attack on mosques in New Zealand, and extends its condolences to the victims’ families and calls for the speedy…Read more

Views: 2624

The National Society for Human Rights (NCHR) has strongly condemned the systematic campaign targeting Absher application

17 February, 2019

The National Society for Human Rights (NCHR) has strongly condemned the systematic campaign supported by some entities and individuals for the purpose of targeting the application of the portal of…Read more

Views: 2881

The National Society for Human Rights (NCHR) has welcomed launching the Convention against Harassment in the Workplace

17 February, 2019

The National Society for Human Rights has welcomed the issuance of the Convention of Combating Harassment in the Workplace by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. The Vice President…Read more

Views: 2743

The Advisor to the Embassy of Japan visits the Society

30 January, 2019

On Monday 22/05/1440 AH, the Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights, Dr. Muflah Rabiean Al-Qahtani,has received the Counselor at the Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom, Mr. Katsutoshi…Read more

Views: 2659

The Society holds a workshop entitled “Strengthening the human rights culture of the men of control”

30 January, 2019

The National Society for Human Rights will hold a workshop entitled “Enhancing the Human Rights Culture of the Detainees” on Monday, 15/05/1440 AH corresponding to 21/01/2019 at 9:00 am at…Read more

Views: 2549

The Chairman of the Society affirms that some countries and international organizations have political motivation and not humanitarian, as they refrain from receiving refugees who are exposed to death while inciting teenagers against their families and pushing them to the unknown.

29 January, 2019

The National Society for Human Rights was surprised by the incitement of some countries to some of the Saudi female delinquents to rebel against the values ​​of their families and…Read more

Views: 2707

The National Society for Human Rights has hosted the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

19 January, 2019

On Tuesday 08/01/2019 ,HE Mrs. Gabriela Baroun, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, has visited the National Society for Human Rights during which she met the Chairman of the Society Dr….Read more

Views: 2546